Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boys will be boys...

The last week went by so quickly! I was outside playing A LOT, rough housing and playing inside, and even fit in a short trip to the E.R. for dramatic effect. I have to keep Mom on her toes.
I've officially moved into the part of age two that some people would deem "terrible" while others (like Mommy and Daddy) would call challenging. I have a very strong will. I am learning the hard way that not listening is not an option, though I am trying my hardest to make it one. It has turned into a daily struggle, but sometimes I show signs of "getting it". More frustrating for Mom than anything is my new habit of hitting. Generally speaking, I don't mean any harm (although sometimes I kind of do). Usually, I hit because someone has taken something from me or hit me first and I retaliate by hitting back to get them to stop. There are other times when I just want what I want and, short on patience, I decide to hit. Lately no one is safe from my swinging fists. As a result of this little streak, Mom and I can't go to the gym anymore, which has left me pretty bummed to not be able to slide, play, and see my buddies there. I will learn though, hopefully sooner than later.
The E.R. trip was a result of my listening issues, too. I'm growing tired of nap time (that's punny!). I have so much energy and I just hate to stop playing. Last Friday was one of those days. I was trying to wake Deklan up to join me in my nap rebellion. I was running and laughing and stomping all over the up stairs. Mom chased after me to put me in her bed and at least try to quiet me down and when she went to grab me I lost my balance and hit my head on the night stand. I instantly had a golf ball sized knot on my head and it was bleeding. Mom felt awful, and partly responsible for my injury, so she took me to the hospital. A little tylenol and neosporin later and I was good to go. I got to play with some cool Cars toys while I was there. Probably the best part was that we went to see Connor for his graduation party and told everyone that Mom pushed me down and took me to the hospital. As if that weren't bad enough, on Sunday at church, I was horsing around (not listening, yet again) and fell into a chair and got another bruise right in the middle of my forehead. Why are these lessons so hard to learn? If I could literally get it through my thick skull!
Nearly a week after my incidents, you can still see my bruise

My brother and I have been playing constantly. He is starting to wave and clap and he thinks I'm hilarious. Who doesn't? Daddy loves to get in on the action after work! Despite the rough parts of this week (and the stage of life I'm in), I am having a blast being a rough and tumble big boy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mom's Weekend

My new thing...thumbs up!
In honor of Mother's Day, we let Mom celebrate the whole weekend. She must have thought that meant she could put off blogging with me for a while, too. So sorry for the delay.
Like I said, we gave Mom the whole weekend to celebrate. The best part was that I got to spend time with all my ladies: Mommy, Grammy, and Grandma! Grandma flew back from Colorado and stayed with us. Aunt Nessa, Uncle Tyler, and all my cousins came down to visit so we headed out to Mom's favorite Thai restaurant for dinner. Then Grammy and Papaw came down. Dad treated us to a delicious Ahi Tuna steak dinner. Mom made some "quinoa"...which I loved repeating over and over again (and eating spoon full after spoonful). Then it was Mother's Day. After church Daddy fixed lunch and we just relaxed. We went on a family walk and surprised Mom with a special picture collage on the fridge (guess which adorable guys were in all those pictures)! We always know when we've succeeded in making Mom's day because there are usually tears of joy and lots and lots of cuddles and kisses.
The weather is heating up so I have been outside a lot. I love putting my shorts on all by myself and mowing the grass with Daddy and helping him rebuild our deck. I love to do what he does. Inside or outside, there's always time for playing with my brother, too.
Thanks for visiting! See you soon...

Blowing bubbles with Grandma

Fun with Grammy

Mommy and her boys

Like father, like son

My favorite "chair"
Fixing the deck

Safety first!

Every time Daddy used the nail gun, I covered my was kind of scary.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter and other pictures

Coloring Easter eggs! I told Mom that I had a hexagon...close, it was an octagon.
We got the egg out together!

This year I wasn't nearly as messy as the previous two egg coloring experiences. I think I'm getting good at this...though I did ask "Can I put another one in?" at least a hundred times.

Papaw's 60th birthday (surprise) party! We kept it a secret and he had no idea! What a great night!
Uncle Tom and I were thinking about splitting the cake 50/50.

Finally...a big ol' bite of cake!
Aunt Mimi and I playing with balloons.

After party at my house: baseball with Grammy. Isn't she the best? She put the helmet on and everything!

Easter Sunday! After church we went over to spend the day with Mimi and Vance and Connor and Chandler. Wow, can Mimi cook! Lunch was awesome and then we had an egg hunt.

Easter ham

Look at the eggs we found!

My basket wasn't a basket at was a tennis racquet and a few Veggie Tales movies. Sweet!
Daddy and I breaking in the new strings.
Ryker Nadal
Easter next door at Kernodles. Hayley read me a pop up book while I hung on to my bucket of goodies.
My new favorite sport.
Fun at the park! My friend Lainie came over for the weekend. Her Mommy and Daddy are doctors and they were scheduled to work together, so she came over to our house. We went to see Bob & Larry (I was not a fan of that) at Lifeway. Then we went on a run on the Monon. We stopped for a picnic, followed by a nap. Then, it was on to the park.
Aren't we a cute pair!
Lainie had as much energy as I did. Sliding was so much fun!
Then I climbed...
...and slid down the slide backwards on my bottom. Mom and Dad were pretty impressed with this one.
All that running around makes for a hungry boy. We were blowing spaghetti together.
As Mr. Robert says, see you later, alligator!