Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas time is here!

We'll be visiting Grammy and Papaw and Grandma and our extended families for Christmas, so we did our family of four Christmas together this weekend. We went to see Santa Claus. I must say I liked his reindeer a lot better than I did him. We opened presents and I got a Cubbies bat and some games, movies, and a pretend doctor set. The bat and ball were my favorites, of course. I helped Deklan open his gifts and then spent the evening playing with Mom and Dad. I can't quit talking about baby Jesus' birthday. As I am blogging this, I am looking at the pictures of me opening presents and saying, "Birthday, Jesus, happy birthday Jesus!" I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and please remember as you open your gifts that you've already been given the best gift of all. Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11 days and counting!

 This week has been another exciting one, full of learning, playing inside and out in the snow, and preparing for Christmas! I can hardly wait! We covered letters H (Holy Spirit), I (inn), J (Joseph), K (King of kings), L (lamb), M (Mary), and N (Names of Jesus) in our Advent study. I play with my Little People set everyday and even showed Deklan who Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus are. One of my new activities is to count the figures in the Nativity set. I started doing this on my own. I told Mom, "Hey, let's count them!" and she obliged. Speaking of counting, there are only 11 day until Christmas!
I have been playing with the tree and Christmas decor a lot around the house, especially the snowmen that sit on the fireplace. Mom DVR'd a bunch of shows for me, including Polar Express (choo choo train, as I lovingly refer to it), Frosty The Snowman and Frosty's Winter Wonderland. I can't watch them enough. I sing the Frosty song several times a day and even practiced my belly whoppers and thumpty thump thumping on the sled. I had my buddy Emerson join me for that. It was his first time sledding, and since I'm a seasoned veteran (sledding with Mom and Dad in Colorado previously) I showed him how to do it.
We went racing down the hill and trudging back up together and with our Moms, over and over again. We had a great time...even if it was longer than expected due to a garage door debacle. Any proper sledding experience must be capped off by a warm cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. All this Christmas talk has helped me learn how important giving and sharing are. God gives abundantly, so we should do so as well. I am getting a little better at sharing. Emerson and I shared the sled today, the Buzz mobile, hot chocolate (I even shared with Woody and Jessie), and lots and lots of hugs. Friends are some of the best gifts that we can get!

See you next week!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I want to play in SNOW!

If I've said that once, I have said it a dozen times already. The first snow hit the ground last week and I had a blast playing in it. Something about the stuff just makes me laugh and ready for Christmas, even more than I already was. This snow was great for making snow balls, but not really for making Snowmen. That didn't stop me from singing "Frosty Snowman" over and over again though! Check out my snow day movie here.
This past week we started our Advent study. We're going through the ABC's of Advent. A is for Angels, B is for Baby Jesus, C is for City of Bethlehem, D is for Donkey, E is for Evergreen, and F is for Family. Today we learned about G for Gift as in God's gift to us (grace through His son Jesus). Each day we cover a new letter all the way up til Jesus' Birthday on Christmas. I used my Little People Nativity set to help me remember our lessons better.
We usually wrap up each day with a prayer and then a Christmas cookie...because everything is better when cookies are involved! So, that means I've been making cookies. I helped Mommy roll them out and helped Daddy cut them and I even licked the icing off the beaters. Yum!

See you next week!