Friday, December 18, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!

I am late blogging again this week. That is because I have been doing quite a bit of napping over the course of the last 10 days. Last week I had a fever, and that fever got higher and higher over the course of two days. When it reached 103.6 Mom took me to the doctor (in a panic) where we learned I had my first ear infection. A few days later that seemed to no longer be the trouble, but in the meantime Mom and I had, both, managed to catch a cold that had us coughing, sleeping, and dealing with runny noses until today. We are both on the tail end of things and feeling much better. We spent tons of time cuddled up catching zzz's. We spent most of the week at home. We watched the first snow fall. I thought it was pretty neat! With all the time around the house, I had to think up some ways to pass the time. Lucky for Mommy, she has herself a little character! My thing this week has been "hats". Not real hats, of course. I have used a bowl, my block box, tupperware, and the next two (which Mom got pictures of): a Christmas sack and a diaper...don't worry it was a clean one.
I have a new favorite spot in the house. I like to climb behind the Christmas tree and sit in the corner. I look at the lights and point up at all the shiny "balls" and ornaments.
I made a discovery this week. Hiding, ever so nicely, behind the speaker for the television was this nifty guitar. I don't know why Mom and Dad have been keeping it out of sight for so long. Here I am rocking out!
All this blogging has made me kind of drowsy. I'll be back next week, feeling 100% and ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

I've been getting ready for Christmas this week. We picked out a tree, Daddy built a fire, and we went to it, stringing lights and hanging bulbs. Truth be told, I was more about pulling lights off, climbing the step stool, and breaking the bulbs (4 so far). You'll notice that Mom and Dad decided it would be best to not decorate all the way down to the bottom because they know that in my eyes, those ornaments are perfect for throwing! We finished the evening drinking hot cocoa and reading stories, and of course, munching on Christmas cookies! What a great family night...Other highlights from my week included a visit from Rilei, playing with my Little People Nativity set that Grandma B got me, and running around the house with my balloon.
Rilei and I playing a drum duet...Me making smooshy faces with Daddy.This is Joseph:This is baby Jesus:Here's my balloon!