It's been a while since I blogged for myself, so I thought I'd get back in the swing of things today. This week has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride for us, full of ups and downs and even a few twists and turns. After last week's blood test I started showing signs of lower platelet levels. I get these things called petechiae when my levels drop and they basically look like little red dots on my skin. Well, Thursday I had 3 or 4 of them on my collar bone, so Mom called the doctor (It's not a good thing if I have any at all). After another yucky blood draw, the doctor told us that my platelets had dropped to 46k. This was a pretty significant dip from Tuesday's 135k. So, Mom and Dad were tasked with watching me and keeping me in check over the climbing, no outside stuff, no rough and tumble, as has become the usual for me over the last couple of weeks, only more high alert than before. As each day went by I developed more and more of the dots. Today I had another blood draw. (This nice tech got it on the first try which was awesome! Despite the not so fun weekly event, I don't mind getting the cool Spiderman stickers when I'm done.) Because my dots had multiplied by the dozens since Thursday, our family had kind of prepared for the worst: another IV treatment. The doctor was thinking the same thing after having a look at my increased petechiae and bruising on my legs and arms. Then, in a most unexpected twist, I was the recipient of a levels had almost doubled to 87k! Now, this still isn't a great number, but it is better than Thursday which means I didn't have to have another treatment. The doctor and Mommy were completely shocked. Dr. Escoto told me that she didn't know if my body was having a delay in showing all my symptoms or what but she double checked the numbers and was really surprised to find them higher than my last test. Praise God for hearing all our prayers and for answering them in such an awesome way! As long as I don't get any more dots this week I will not have to go back until Friday for another blood draw. Hopefully it is good news, too!
So many of you have been thinking of and praying for me and I can't say thanks enough! Truthfully, I don't really understand what is going on. I "feel" just fine and I get a little upset that I can't go outside and play or just act normally, and I am not a big fan of getting stuck at least once a week at the blood draws. Things here are fine though. We have come up with all kinds of fun ways to pass the time. Mommy lets me help her clean and vacuum. She's usually not a fan of the chores and does them while I am sleeping, but I really like them so I am helping and it makes it more fun for her, too. We have been playing with my bubbles indoors. My parents have let me start trying to blow them all by myself. It's great!
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