I tucked my 3 year old into bed tonight. Three year old. Wow. Exactly 3 years ago today he was cuddled up on my chest, sleeping peacefully, as I sat in my hospital bed and marveled at the miracle in my arms. Today, though he didn't fit on my chest, he still curled up on my lap and I still marveled at the miracle in my arms. It blows me away how fast Ryker is growing up. He looked up at me while I got all teary during my evening prayer with him. He said, "Mommy, you are so sad." I said, "No, buddy, I am happy sad." and smiled at him. He smiled back and said, "Oh, you are not sad anymore, you are so happy!" What a sensitive little guy. It warms my heart to see how Ryker is developing. He is so compassionate and caring. He is discovering what feelings are and he is so sensitive to that...which is great when your mama wears her heart on her sleeve. He is so witty. He has his Daddy's quick humor. When Jevon wanted to be in control of the new race track we got Ryker for his birthday, Ryker told Jevon that he was driving him crazy. Hilarious! There are so many moments like that that make me so happy to see Ryker growing up. He is so much fun to be around...even when he is testing my patience and not exactly obeying. I have to catch myself, at times, burying my smile so that he doesn't see me laughing while I correct him. I love that little Rykerman, those dimples, the curly hair, the smiling eyes, the infectious giggle, the warm hugs, the gentle hands grabbing my face to say, "I love you. You are my best friend!" What isn't to love about these things? I am excited to see what the tomorrows ahead hold for Ryker. I can't wait to see God's plan for him unfold! There is still a part of me that is sad because I know the days of childhood are fleeting. Yes I look forward to seeing the man that Ryker becomes but I love the little boy that he is right now. So, this birthday, like all birthdays, is a happy sad one. What an amazing year this has been, no, 3 years this has been. What a fantastic 3 year old we have been blessed with. Happy birthday to, you, Ryker! Mommy and Daddy love you with all our hearts!
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