Note from Mom:
The past couple of weeks have been busy! Ryker has been playing outside daily, learning constantly, and laughing a lot. We took him to see his favorite PBS characters this weekend. He was so cute giving Super Why high-fives. He loves Super Why and his super duper computer. He thought the giant inflatable slide was pretty great,too. He tried line jumping and nearly got up on the slide before Jevon caught him...but fifteen minutes later, after waiting patiently in line, he sat at the base of the slide and resolved not to go at all. (Daddy climbed with him and he ended up liking it.) This is par for the course right now; Ryker aches to be independent but isn't ready to do things on his own. Such is the case at bedtime. This week he developed a fear of the dark. We're leaving lights on and his door wide-opened for the time being. He isn't napping very well either. On the positive side, his hitting has all but gone away. He was able to have a couple of play dates the last couple of weeks and he was very well behaved! He was so excited to celebrate his little lady Lainie's second birthday with her, too. Ryker hosted a small dinner party this week, followed by fun and games outside and inside. Hayley, Brendan, and their cousin Austin were so sweet to Ryker and Deklan. We love our neighbors!
Ryker is always on the move it seems, which is why blogging hasn't been quite as regular as I'd like it to be. So goes it with a two year old. Here are a few pictures from the past week and a half. He'll be back next week to share more stories with you. See you then!
Daddy's boy |
Second thoughts... |
Sliding down with Daddy |
Dinner with Hayley, Brendan, and Austin |
After dinner hoops |
Ryker's Super Why tat |
Mater Teeth |
Ryker plays the guitar |
Super Why |
Jamming with Emerson |
Let's race! |
Gimme five! |
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