We'll be visiting Grammy and Papaw and Grandma and our extended families for Christmas, so we did our family of four Christmas together this weekend. We went to see Santa Claus. I must say I liked his reindeer a lot better than I did him. We opened presents and I got a Cubbies bat and some games, movies, and a pretend doctor set. The bat and ball were my favorites, of course. I helped Deklan open his gifts and then spent the evening playing with Mom and Dad. I can't quit talking about baby Jesus' birthday. As I am blogging this, I am looking at the pictures of me opening presents and saying, "Birthday, Jesus, happy birthday Jesus!" I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and please remember as you open your gifts that you've already been given the best gift of all. Merry CHRISTmas!
Where did you go to see Santa & the reindeer?