This weekend was Halloween and as is the custom, it consisted of both tricks and treats. Thankfully, it was mostly all treats.
Treat #1: Lunch with my new pal Andrew. Our Mommy's got together for lunch and he and I (and snoozy Deklan) got to hang out for a bit.
Treat #2: Card from Grapes Grandma. She wanted to wish me a Happy Halloween...I love knowing she is thinking about me!
Treat #3: Play date with Emerson! It never gets old, no matter how many times the two of us get together. We laugh hysterically at who knows what and run around the house playing and pretending. We could do this everyday if they'd let us.
Treat #4: Play time with Brayden! His family came over to play so that Mommy and Daddy could go out on a date. Silly parents; all the fun was right here!

Treat #5: Surprise from Great Aunt Teresa, Uncle Tom, and Brandon...they came to see Deklan and I and drop off a giant orange bucket of treats for me. Yea!
The TRICK: Mommy and I spent the entire day Saturday on the couch with the stomach flu. Yuck! We were quite the pair. The upside is that Daddy and Deklan managed to avoid it. Phew!
Treat #6: My first shave. Daddy taught me how to get all smooth, just like him!
Treat #7, 8, and 9: Halloween, which consisted of trunk or treat at the church, visiting with Mimi, Vance, Connor, Chandler, and "Parter", and stopping by the Kernodles to show them what a cute Buzz I make. What a great week!
I got some more pics of my birthday party, so I'll throw those on here, too.
Have a good week! Stay warm...
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