The first several days of 2010 have been full of adventure for me. I've started running through the house, climbing on everything, and pushing the envelope whenever possible. I now ride my car by standing on the seat. I like to jump up and down on the couch. I can slide down the stairs on my belly with pretty good speed. I am starting to test boundaries and love to hear Mommy and Daddy say "no" just to turn, give them an adorable smile and then do the exact thing I am not supposed to do. One of those very things is climbing on the table. This guilty pleasure has its roots in Colorado. Grandma was so sweet to let me sit on the dining room table several times. I loved it because I was at all of the grown ups level and could get my paws on all the good stuff. When we made it back to the "real world" Mom and Dad were not going to let that table sitting business happen. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I now climb up onto the chair and then hoist my body onto the table. Once there, I teeter ever so scarily on the edge while I get myself into a nice seated position. Then, I play. Mom and Dad have both caught me in the act, none too happy I might add. Here I am giving my best ornery smile as I contemplate doing it again.

The week was bittersweet, as we got to watch numerous college football bowl games. Sadly, this all marks the end of another college football season. Here are my last collegiate "touchdowns" with Daddy for the year. We won't spend more than a second missing it though...on to basketball! Daddy has already taught me how to say "IU!"

If you ever wonder where some of my mischievous streak comes from, look no further than my Daddy. This weekend, I found a pen and decided to carry it around. Mommy was napping and Dad decided to show his artistic skills with the pen on my face. So glad that this stuff comes off so easily!

The boys really pampered Mom this week. Daddy made dinner and I was on my best behavior for her birthday. Mom said that as long as she got to spend time with us it would be the happiest birthday yet...and I think we made that happen. The raspberry angel food cake from Taylor's couldn't have hurt any. Sticking with the "make Mom's day" theme that pretty much carried throughout the week, Daddy snapped this picture of me after church the other day for Mommy. She had a meeting but had already told us how this cute ensemble really warranted a picture. I must say I rocked that argyle. (Mommy says she is so blessed to have such an amazing husband and fantastic son. Mommy loves her boys!)
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