Indy's first Superbowl was something special! That, paired with the warm weather, made for a pretty great couple of weeks around the city. We were very grateful to my friend, McKynzye, for sharing her NFL Experience tickets with us so that we could see all that downtown had to offer. Mom and I got to go to this one, just the two of us. We parked and walked a few blocks to the Convention Center. We watched people soaring above us on ziplines. We made our way through to see all the football jerseys lining the walls. To Mom's surprise, I did not want to pose in the Colts jersey, but rather the KC Chiefs. (Sidenote: I thought it was awesome when Emerson and I exchanged stories and pictures and it turns out he picked the Chiefs jersey, too!) After a brief photo op, we headed into the activities. I saw Mr. Brad volunteering at one of the field goal areas. He pointed us toward the little kid area and I had to stop and show Mom how giant this football was. Then we walked past the Lombardi Trophy and Gary Bracket and Jeff Saturday (literally, they were right next to us and I had no idea until Mom told me) and on to the Rush Zone. There were tons of activities for me, but I was really enjoying just watching from the sidelines and taking it all in. Some people experience by doing and others, like me on this particular day, preferred to experience through observation.

Get in the game? Nah, I preferred the bleachers this day. |
The one thing I did like doing was hitting these little football players while standing in line for chocolate milk. |
Here I am, almost participating...after Mom took this shot I walked away from kicking the field goal. |

On Tuesday our whole family went to Superbowl Village. It was in the mid 50s that evening so we strolled in comfort. I loved the "downtown football player trophy" on the hotel. The highlight of the night was seeing race cars (like Francesco) painted like the Superbowl teams. I wouldn't even turn for a picture, for not wanting to take my eye off of them. After some more strolling we headed to the circle for some white chocolate hot cocoa (and some much needed running around time for yours truly). It was delicious! We wrapped up Superbowl week with a party at the Gilberts...where I spent most of the evening playing with light sabers. My brother and I are looking forward to Indianapolis hosting the big event again, sometime down the road. We had such a "super" time!
The eye black stickers were my fav part of the day! |
I brought everyone milk mustaches, eye black, and stickers back from the NFL Experience. |
This has nothing to do with football, but it was the only other shot from the week...I am so great at multi-tasking. |