I am one year old!
I intended to post something Friday but with all the excitement I didn't have time. Sorry. Here's how things went last week:
My Daddy had to go out of town for business so Mommy and I held down the fort together. We visited with my Great Aunt and Uncle and cousin. They got me this super cool car for my birthday.

I played at the park with Andrew, Emili, and Rilei, too. These tunnels are great!

We spent a couple of evenings with Mimi and Vance. They let us be part of their family since we were missing Daddy.

Then, before I knew it, my birthday was here. I started the morning off with my first glass of milk and Mom made me pancakes.

Then we played for a bit and got ready for people to come over for my party. We had a really small one, but it was fun. I loved seeing my family and friends...I learned very quickly that that was the best part about birthdays.
I think everyone expected me to go crazy on my cake (if you know my Mommy then you know cake is her favorite!). In anti-climactic fashion, I didn't dive into the cake.

Mom said that was okay because it made for quick clean up. I ate cookies, some cake, lots of melon, and pizza. Birthday food is tasty! Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Being one is pretty sweet! I got all kinds of nice gifts. A big THANK YOU to everyone that came to celebrate with me and for all the thoughtful gifts! Here I am playing with some of them.

It is hard to believe that I am already a year old. It seemed like only yesterday I was curling up on Daddy's chest in the hospital for the first time. I like growing up, though. I am taking a few more steps, standing on my own, and learning new stuff like words everyday. I love playing and laughing, too! I really had a great birthday, and if birthdays mean I get to spend time with the people I love then I can't wait til the next one!
Thanks again for following along the past year. I can't wait to see what the next 12 months brings!