Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Ryker!

I am one year old!
I intended to post something Friday but with all the excitement I didn't have time. Sorry. Here's how things went last week:
My Daddy had to go out of town for business so Mommy and I held down the fort together. We visited with my Great Aunt and Uncle and cousin. They got me this super cool car for my birthday. I played at the park with Andrew, Emili, and Rilei, too. These tunnels are great!We spent a couple of evenings with Mimi and Vance. They let us be part of their family since we were missing Daddy.Then, before I knew it, my birthday was here. I started the morning off with my first glass of milk and Mom made me pancakes. Then we played for a bit and got ready for people to come over for my party. We had a really small one, but it was fun. I loved seeing my family and friends...I learned very quickly that that was the best part about birthdays.
I think everyone expected me to go crazy on my cake (if you know my Mommy then you know cake is her favorite!). In anti-climactic fashion, I didn't dive into the cake. Mom said that was okay because it made for quick clean up. I ate cookies, some cake, lots of melon, and pizza. Birthday food is tasty! Mmm, mmm, mmm!Being one is pretty sweet! I got all kinds of nice gifts. A big THANK YOU to everyone that came to celebrate with me and for all the thoughtful gifts! Here I am playing with some of them.It is hard to believe that I am already a year old. It seemed like only yesterday I was curling up on Daddy's chest in the hospital for the first time. I like growing up, though. I am taking a few more steps, standing on my own, and learning new stuff like words everyday. I love playing and laughing, too! I really had a great birthday, and if birthdays mean I get to spend time with the people I love then I can't wait til the next one!
Thanks again for following along the past year. I can't wait to see what the next 12 months brings!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A little R & R

And they think this will stop me? I bet it will only slow me down!
R &R doesn't stand for rest and relaxation; there's anything but that going on at my house lately. I keep Mom and Dad hoppin' by being on the go, all the time. I have an uncanny ability to get into the very thing that they had either hoped I wouldn't or didn't think that I could get into. Despite all of their "baby proofing" I manage to find a way to get into something off limits. One of my favorites is the dog bowl. I like to pick up the dog food and drop each little piece into the dog's water bowl. Oh, what a fun kerplunk! Another time, and this was one of my craftier moves, I wiggled my go-go gadget arm into the child locked kitchen cabinet. It only opens one inch, which would make one's parents think that their child couldn't possibly get into any mischief with only a one inch opening. However, my Rykerman powers allowed me to grab the bottle of Clorox Cleanup, unscrew the squirty trigger thing and dump bleachy liquid all over (of course) a brand new, super cute outfit that Mom had put me in for the first time. She can't let me out of her sight for even a couple of minutes!
Aside from the occasional antic, I am also not sleeping so well as of late. I've got 7 teeth, but I am pretty sure I am getting more. I have been battling a cold, which keeps my nose running and a slight cough persisting. Still, I just have so much energy. Who needs rest when there is so much fun to be had?
No, these days, R & R stands for Ryker & Rilei. Rilei is Emili's (Mommy's cousin) daughter. I don't know what that technically makes her in relation to me, but I'll just simplify and call her my cousin, too. Anyway, Rilei is 2 1/2 years old and now that she lives close to us we get to hang out more often. I like that. She is crazy and she has more energy than even I do. I think it is so neat how she runs around so fast...I am hoping to learn how to do that, myself, very soon. She is so much fun to spend time with, and I am so glad I get to play with her!
Here are some pictures from the past week:

Rilei and I having a blast!Rilei hugs...
and kisses.
Hanging out with Daddy, literally. I love him so much!
This Friday, October 23rd, is my big day...I am turning ONE! I am going to try to post on my birthday, so I hope to see you then.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello and goodbye...

Note from Mommy:
The last two weeks have been full of ups and downs. We welcomed a new cousin to the family and then had to say goodbye to him two days later. Life is a miracle. Among other things Brody's has served as a reminder for me that this is not our home and we were made for more than just this brief stint on earth. It is easy to say that when it doesn't matter, but when you are watching a little one slip away it is much more difficult. I appreciate every second I have with Ryker but I think I left that hospital even more appreciative (if that was possible) of the gift of his life and the time we have had with him to date, and how blessed he has been health wise. It is something we probably take for granted too often, but praise Jesus, Ryker has had a great first year. As we said hello and goodbye to Brody all too soon, I feel somewhat guilty thinking that Ryker's first year has flown by so quickly. Truthfully, though, it has. It is hard to believe he is almost one year old. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to stay home and witness all of his daily changes; from smiling to rolling over, sitting up to crawling, and most recently his first few steps yesterday. It is amazing! It seems like only yesterday we were preparing for that trip to the hospital for delivery and now he is this little boy...23 pounds of lovin' all wrapped up in the cutest package ever! He looks more and more like Daddy everyday. I see the ornery that must be a gift from Dad now and then, too. I can tell that he is caring and thoughtful. He still takes so much in when we are out and about. He is friendly, often saying "hi" to every single person we pass in public. He is sharing now. I never thought I would like a slobbery fisted cheerio being put in my mouth, but I welcome each one that he insists I take. Does it get any better than this? Oh, being a Mommy is great, but being Ryker's Mommy is perfect!
With Ryker turning ONE next week, we will be transitioning him over to his new blog spot. We figured he is no longer "baby Brenneman"...he's a big boy. So, please switch your bookmarks over to This one will still be active for a little while longer, but please start using the other blog today. Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Ryker and for our family. We look forward to Ryker's many adventures ahead and invite you to join us as he tackles toddler-hood!
Ryker's Mama

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks:
Baby Brody "the fighter"
Andrew and Ryker (Ryker is so excited that Andrew, Emili, and Rilei have moved to town. He thinks Andrew is hilarious!)
Emerson and Ryker (Emerson was bonking Ryker on the head with a soft racquet--while I took pictures--and then leaned over as if to say, "Sorry buddy.")
Having a blast!
The sleeping pictures never get old...he is so sweet and innocent.